DIGILEC Revista Internacional de Lenguas y Culturas 81
Digilec 10 (2023), pp. 74-91
2021, p. 5). Barbosa (2021) observed that 660 of the users’ suggestions regarding the
inclusion of new entries were accompanied by information (p. 19). Within this
subcategory, Barbosa (2021) reported that users made use of different means to support
their suggestions, and one of these was examples (p. 20). It was explained that the
pedagogical implications of the present paper consider adult learners of Portuguese who
are taking international PFL examinations at advanced or proficiency level. Nonetheless,
it could be claimed that the findings of the present paper are interesting where the use of
the target dictionaries by other dictionary users is concerned. This is because Barbosa’s
(2021) study, which examined a large number of suggestions that had been provided by
users of an online dictionary, indicated that these users themselves may make use of
examples to substantiate their requests. However, it needs to be highlighted that the exact
number of suggestions that had been accompanied by examples out of the 660 suggestions
was not provided in this study.
The following study will be cited for the same reasons that the previous two studies
were included. Like Santiago’s (2012) study, Lu’s (2018) work dealt with features of the
microstructure of dictionaries. Indeed, Lu (2018) not only examined aspects of the use of
Portuguese language dictionaries by Chinese learners, but also analysed Portuguese
language dictionaries themselves. Like Santiago (2012), Lu (2018) looked into specific
dictionary entries to make some interesting observations. For example, in the entry of
escola in two monolingual dictionaries, Lu (2018) pointed out that the absence of
examples may confuse Chinese learners regarding the meanings of this noun (p. 84). In
the entry of the verb entender, Lu (2018) argued that the lack of examples and
collocations in one of the monolingual dictionaries can make it difficult to learn to use
this verb (p. 82). Like Barbosa (2021), Lu (2018) collected data which are relevant to the
present paper and which refer to the users of the dictionaries under scrutiny.
Lu (2018) found out that examples are the third element amongst ten categories that
are searched for the most in a dictionary when a word is looked up, whereas examples are
also the third element that the learners search for but cannot find in the dictionaries they
often use (amongst seven categories). It is worth highlighting that this data came from
132 participants, in order to be aware of the dimension of Lu’s (2018) study. Lu (2018)
also observed that the frequency of use of monolingual dictionaries is higher amongst
advanced than amongst elementary learners (p. 57), and this preference agreed with
several studies that Lu (2018) cited and that indicated that advanced learners tended to
use monolingual dictionaries more often than bilingual ones.
The last three studies present information that can justify the objective of the present
research. The first justification is how important it is that dictionaries provide examples
that come in useful when learners consult them for written production in the Portuguese
language. Therefore, to find out if the target dictionaries contain examples may prove to
be an interesting endeavour. Moreover, the decision to analyse monolingual Portuguese
language dictionaries in the present paper by envisioning advanced or academic
Portuguese language learning contexts is thought to be justified by previous findings
regarding the use of monolingual dictionaries of the Portuguese language by more
proficient users (cf. Lu, 2018, p. 58). In the next section, the methodology of the present
research will be described.