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Alfredo Blanco Martínez
Universidade da Coruña
Jéssica María Regueiro Barreiros
Universidade da Coruña
Vol. 2 (2015), Didaxis, pages 75-86
Submitted: Nov 30, 2016 Published: Dec 7, 2018
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This paper deals with the short story as a form of creative and spontaneous expression whereby students can acquire the necessary strategies to express themselves through different types of writing. This didactic experience carried out in the subject of Spanish Language and Literature of second year of Secondary Education. During this period, students are immersed in issues referring to grammatical content. However, the study of literature is in general and, in consequence, the students don’t study about texts or authors. Therefore, our proposal tried to introduce the students in the field of literary creation as a tool of expression. With the aim of improving the teaching-learning process of the participants, we have done a qualitative study based on action research and educational innovation. To collect data, we used the observations and document analysis. After the data analysis, we can conclude about the importance of teaching practice in order to meet the needs, tastes and interesting of students. Finally, we consider the short story as an alternative to introduce students in the literary world.


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