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Laura Díaz Barrero
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Galiza)
Vol. 01 No. 013-014 (2012), Trajectories and challenges, pages 63-82
Submitted: Jun 30, 2015
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The town hall lugués of A Fonsagrada lodges a rich ethnographic and natural patrimony that scarcely is putting itself in value at present, or with public or private initiatives for the socio-economic development in a rural area that urgently needs economic and socio-cultural revitalization proposals specified in the population in the territory, prevent or minoricen its progressive regression and improve the social welfare of the citizenship. The answers that, against this background, would offer educational initiatives of nature-environmental, as well as recreational and tourism to the revaluation of the endogenous resources that it holds the town hall, almost no have produced by the time: It’s a considerable loss of opportunities for the economic revitalization and social and cultural strengthening of this territorial area, situation that the design of a project of dynamization sustainable focused in this town hall takes as a starting point to contribute to the transformation of this unjust reality.


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