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Crescencio Valencia Juárez
Chief Justice of the Electoral Court of the State of Mexico
Víctor Díaz Herrera
Secretary of the Presidency of the Electoral Court of the State of Mexico
Vol. 23 (2019), Doctrine, pages 453-475
Submitted: Feb 26, 2020 Published: Feb 26, 2020
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This text attempts to highlight the false idea of the contradiction between formality and the substance of the rules, a debate between the form and substance of the law. This in the understanding that, any legal system developed on the conception of a constitutional and democratic rule of law, must contain demonstrable controls both formal and substantial in the conformity and coherence of laws and legal acts. In this context, the study of the nature of law is carried out, specifically from two theories: 1) the postulates of Summers with respect to the form of the right; and, 2) the guarantee of Luigi Ferrajoli. Study that takes for justification, to ponder the political ideal called the rule of law, ruled and rationalized by a democratic Constitution.


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