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María Dolores Sánchez-Fernández
University of A Coruña
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2014), Monograph. Quality and sustainable tourism, pages 106-119
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Aug 1, 2014
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The institutional context in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is investigated in this paper. The objects of the investigation are three, four and five-star hotels located in the Euro-region of Galicia and Northern Portugal. The theoretical framework used in this investigation is Institutional Theory, which is based on three main pillars; institutional coercive, normative and cognitive (Scott, 1995). We aim to discover which of the three institutional pressures proposed by Deephouse (1996) puts more pressure on this environment. A quantitative study was carried out in which a questionnaire was used for data collection to achieve the proposed objective. This questionnaire was developed based on previously validated scales (Deephouse, 1996; Fernández, 2001; Kostova and Roth, 2002; Vargas-Sánchez and Riquel-Ligero, 2012; Gallardo, et al 2013; Llamas-Sánchez, et al 2013). The methodology applied to the variables proposed in our model was the factorial analysis by Varimax rotation in order to verify the weight that each one of the pressures carries. Once the one-dimensional tests were carried out, we obtained the different factors that constitute our proposed research model. As a result, we could reduce the information contained in a set of variables initially raised with minimal loss of information. As the main result of this research, coercive pressure and regulatory pressure are the main pressures influencing the institutional context of the Euro-region of our object of study. 


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