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  • Ignacio Mariano Azcue Vigil
Ignacio Mariano Azcue Vigil
Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022), Articles, pages 119-139
Submitted: Jan 30, 2021 Accepted: Feb 28, 2021 Published: Feb 1, 2022
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Urban forests are an essential part of green urban infrastructure, providing cities with a wide array of ecosystemic benefits, including the potential for recreation and tourist activities. This potential can be restricted, however, by problems associated with the trees themselves and the areas around them. The aim of this article is to analyse the socio-environmental problems associated with urban forests used for recreational and touristic purposes, based on case studies of the forest reserves of Bosque Peralta Ramos and Montemar-El Grosellar in Mar del Plata (Argentina). The study uses a qualitative approach, based on semi-structured interviews with different social actors and analysis of legislation and other documentary sources. The results reveal problems associated with the forests themselves, the infrastructure of the city and urban services, mismanagement of the forest space, and obstacles to recreation and tourism. The article concludes by recommending measures to mitigate the problems involving as wide a spectrum of social actors as possible.


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