Feminism as an indicator of revolutionary coherence. An approach to feminism in the movement 15M
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This article shows how the 15M, especially the Acampada de Sol with feminist delegations, represents an exceptional opportunity to deepen the interaction between social movements that advocate a fairer society and feminism. The study addresses the prejudices surrounding feminism that are also seen in this emancipatory space and the strategies that are adopted in front of them. It also reflects on the generational change in the context of the existence of young feminists in 15M. An important part of the study focuses on the testimonies of feminist activists. From these and other sources it is concluded that, being the 15M reflection of the patriarchal society, the interaction space of the Camp allowed feminism to be heard by those who had never done it before and, on the other hand, that 15M offers us important keys about the feminist generational change.
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