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María Teresa Martín Palomo
Carmuca Gómez Bueno
Universidad de Granada
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020), Special Issue, pages 146-174
Submitted: Jul 14, 2018 Accepted: May 31, 2019 Published: Dec 31, 2021
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Care is a universal necessity, given the constitutive human vulnerability, and at the same time, particular, situated and incarnated. Care policies tend to be fixed; however, needs change slowly or abruptly, but they are unstable. Even personalized attention designs are too rigid for those who receive care in their homes, for their families and for those who provide care through the Home Help Service. However, technology could play an important role in making the policy more concrete in everyday practices, because care is characterized by being relational. Therefore, following the proposal of Mandelbrot would try to identify patterns that can capture the complexity of care, and see how these patterns would have a micro scale a concretion.


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