El cuidado en la colonización del paisaje: La Universidad Flotante de Berlín.





colonization, care, repair, infraestructure, Floating University of Berlin


The colonization of the rehabilitated landscape of the Floating University of Berlin was initiated by the Raumlabor collective in 2018 for the creation and experimentation of a social space. They engage in the care and repair of a water collector infrastructure and propose dismountable objects to produce a habitat and well-being derived from qualitative interaction with the environment, not only as a mere social necessity but by adding programs from interconnected diversity and individuality.

The old models of land use are challenged and replaced by new hybrid systems where there is a flexible agreement between the city and nature. The project of the Floating University of Berlin utilizes tools that express the fleeting manifestation of diversity to imagine and create new forms of life. They open the door to the enormous possibilities of a new planning and land management approach based on care, moving away from the opposition between countryside and city to achieve a new social value.


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How to Cite

Fernandez Rodríguez, Aurora, and Luis de Fontcuberta Rueda. 2024. “El Cuidado En La colonización Del Paisaje: La Universidad Flotante De Berlín”. Boletín Académico. Revista De investigación Y Arquitectura contemporánea 14 (December). A Coruña:28-47. https://doi.org/10.17979/bac.2024.14.10212.


