Becoming fish, world-remaking

Forgetting learned gestures




landscape, gesture, world, Serres, Teshima


Looking back for signs of other ways of doing can become a support for reactionary and nostalgic wills. Therefore, the objectuality of the term "field" has to be complemented with a becoming other, the primordial quality of the landscape where all potential relationship is still possible, giving back to reality a constructive hermeneutic. Likewise, it is no less true that the imperative need to reimagine the world and our relationship with it must attend to the gestures that have so far shaped it. In its decentralized globality, we are invited to navigate diverse latitudes in search of other ways of integrating the recognition of the random continuity of the world in order to imagine and reimagine other architectures and landscapes. From France, with a young Michel Serres, to the Island of Teshima and Ryue Nishizawa's Museum of Art, some considerations are proposed to reformulate the relationship of the "field" with contemporary practice.


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How to Cite

Alfonso Fernández, Santiago, Santiago Boschin Navarro, and Paula Fernández San Marcos. 2024. “Becoming Fish, World-Remaking: Forgetting Learned Gestures”. Boletín Académico. Revista De investigación Y Arquitectura contemporánea 14 (December). A Coruña:10-27.


