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Ángel de la Torre Sánchez
Università degli Studi di Macerata (Italia)
Vol. 10 (2023), Articles, pages 162-183
Submitted: Sep 12, 2023 Published: Nov 13, 2023
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This article presents research conducted at the Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo" (Italy) with undergraduate students of Modern Languages and Cultures. It aims to analyse the results of a teaching experience based on visual poetic creations, particularly illustrated haikus. The haiku is a genre with a rich tradition in the Spanish language and enjoys some popularity in contemporary Spanish-language poetic publications, dating back to the early 20th century. Therefore, the presented experience integrates linguistic and literary competencies, complemented by digital skills and creativity. Specifically, the research showcases both the teaching experience and some examples of multimodal digital compositions (DMCs) created by the students. Finally, it presents an evaluation proposal that addresses the challenges of assessing personal and subjective texts, proposing assessment criteria that include creativity, originality, imagery, fluency, style, and complexity of thought. The evaluation results highlight the honed performance of the students in terms of personal expression, adherence to haiku conventions, the appropriate use of L2 linguistic conventions, as well as their ability to create texts with multiple possible interpretations. However, there is limited variability in the relationship between images and text, suggesting room for improving digital and multimodal skills of students in future proposals.


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