Traditional knowledge of the Amazonian peoples in the context of the agroecological transition process
environmental education, ethnoscience, agrobiodiversity, amazonian agrosystemsAbstract
Valuing and respecting the knowledge of the local population (ethnoscience), based on the practice of managing complex production systems, with an emphasis on agrobiodiversity, which has the capacity to feed a large population, suggests a harmonious coexistence of man with the forest. This work aims to address the principles that guide the traditional knowledge of the Amazonian peoples, used in the process of agroecological transition, in the context of environmental education. The methodology is based on qualitative research in action research. The process was developed in the communities of the Vila Amazônia Rural Settlement Project, using agroecological practices combined with Environmental Education praxis. The results showed that the soil management practiced by the indigenous people of the region, forming anthropized soils, called Terra Preta dos Índios (TPI), it is suggested that the success of agriculture, involves the management of soil organic matter, practices of agrobiodiversity, management of secondary vegetation and compliance with the resilience of forests and soils, which are considered fundamental conditions for sustainable agriculture in the region.
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