Review. Rosario Consuelo Gonzalo García, El legado bibliográfico de Juan Pérez de Guzmán y Boza, duque de T'Serclaes de Tilly: aportaciones a un catálogo descriptivo de relaciones de sucesos (1501-1625). Madrid, editorial Arco/Libros, 2018
Early News Pamphlets, Duke of T'Serclaes de Tilly, Bibliophilia, sixteenth century, seventeenth century, bibliographic catalogAbstract
This review concerns a book that analyses and publicizes the splendid collection of relaciones de sucesos –printed pamphlets that offer news of particular events– that was put together by Juan Pérez de Guzmán y Boza, Duke of T’Serclaes de Tilly (1852-1934). Its author examines the bibliographical and historical significance of relaciones de sucesos in the second half of the 19th century, and of the Duke of T’Serclaes and his intellectual circle, in particular. The volume offers a catalogue of analytical descriptions of 285 testimonies of editions of short relaciones, in prose and in verse, written in Spanish and printed between 1501 and 1625, both within the Iberian Peninsula and beyond. All the items described are to be found in the three private libraries belonging to those heirs of T’Serclaes to which the author has been able to obtain access. The quality and the interest of this work are greatly increased by the fact that every one of the typobibliographical descriptions is accompanied by full information concerning the history of the transmission and diffusion of the text in question. Thanks to this, the catalogue is in fact an invaluable reference work that supports the study of the forms of production and the distribution of the genre of early printed news pamphlets.
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