Call of Papers BAC 15


BAC Boletín Académico Revista de Investigación y Arquitectura Contemporánea is the scientific journal of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of A Coruña. It is published in Open Journal System (OJS) format, on an annual basis, and follows the double-blind peer review procedure.

Each issue contains research articles, interviews, architectural critiques and reviews of publications, without a specific theme, as long as they are original and unpublished contributions and are related to architecture.

Submissions must comply with the standards listed on the journal's website:

The deadline for receiving originals for issue 15 is May 31, 2025. Texts may be submitted in Spanish, Galician and English for evaluation. If the publication is accepted, the translation must also be provided so that each text can be published in Spanish and English or in Galician and English.