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  • Inés Martín Robles
  • Luis Pancorbo Crespo
Inés Martín Robles
Luis Pancorbo Crespo
Vol. 5 (2015), Articles, pages 51-60
Submitted: Jul 9, 2015 Accepted: Jul 9, 2015
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This paper intends the analysis of Julio Cano Lasso’s design method and search for relationships between his work and the external references selected by the architect. It is made through the study of the tools used in three subsequent projects, done along with Juan Antonio Ridruejo, between 1968 and 1976 for the Telefónica Headquarters in Fuentelarreina. These three projects, with a program that varies in time with different locations within an extensive plot, are developed on entirely different organizational schemes, however arising of a homogeneous design method that we have called «reference method».


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