Learning Spanish as a foreign language in the digital era: the mobile learning in the Cameroonian context
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One of the fundamental objectives of foreign language teaching/learning is the development of learners' communicative competence. However, this objective is not always achieved. In reality, learning and speaking a foreign language fluently is a considerable challenge, especially when the learner is not immersed in a language immersion context and most of his or her interactions with the language tend to take place in the classroom. Today, thanks to the rise of new information and communication technologies (NICTs), the sources of input and output have diversified and multiplied significantly. The new technologies force us to reconsider our conception of teaching and learning. In relation to this, we are nowadays talking about new concepts and theories linked to learning, such as mobile learning, connectivism, the virtual learning environment (VLE), the learner 2.0, etc. Due to this new ecosystem, it is necessary to accompany our students towards these new paths that condition language learning and the development of communicative competence. Based on a survey of 153 Cameroonian learners of Spanish as a foreign language, we analysed their relationship with mobile learning. We identified the mobile resources they use to promote effective learning of Spanish. From the perspective of working on learning to learn, this work proposes guidelines for action that seek to make better use of mobile resources in order to ensure more effective autonomous learning.
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