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Alberto Muñoz Heras
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Noemi Fernández Pedraza
IES Poeta Díaz Castro de Guitiriz (Lugo)
Rubén Navarro Patón
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015), Original papers, pages 87-104
Submitted: Dec 18, 2015 Published: Jan 11, 2015
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The tendency of the population to the acquisition of lifestyles unhealthy is an increasingly worrisome problem in the actuality and, especially, during the adolescence. The realization of a suitable breakfast, the consumption of 5 pieces of fruit in the day, the practice of physical activity or reduce the consumption of grease food like "donuts" among others. The aim of this study has been to explore the habits of physical activity, eating routine and lifestyle of the students of third cycle of Elementary School of the Integrated Public School Ramón Piñeiro. In this investigation has participated 42 students (20 girls and 22 boys) of ages comprised between the 10 and 12 years old. For the collected of data, has elaborated ad hoc questionnaire in 16 questions, and 2 more for identification and socio-demographic data. Besides they have taken them anthropometric measurement for the calculation of the IMC. As remarkable results we have obtained that a low percentage of participants made 5 daily consumptions recommended. Do not perform physical activity during school recess or free time before or after school canteen and the 16,7% of the boys and girls suffer overweight. Like conclusions more notable can say  that the sample of our study would have to improve in alimentary habits according to the recommendations of the WHO (2010); regarding physical activity, would be recommended that at least children do every day an hour of physical activity (WHO, 2010).


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