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Santiago Valladares Rodríguez
Santiago Futsal
Roberto Barcala Furelos
Universidade de Vigo
Marcos Mecías Calvo
Santiago Futsal
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016), Original papers, pages 4-22
Submitted: Jan 7, 2016 Accepted: Mar 25, 2016 Published: Dec 30, 2015
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Future PE teachers in their degree receive balanced formation regarding the different branches of knowledge covering Physicall Education and Sports. The objective of this study was to analize the capacity of CCAFYD students to evaluate general aspects of sports,concrete aspects of a given sport, and the criteria in which they are based on. In this study 25 CCAFYD students participated.  All of them have evalued the correction or mistakes of 6 executions of strenght exercises at the gym, and 9 concrete technical movements from indoor football. To analyze what the evaluation of each subject was based on, we used eye tracker technology, through which we registered the searching pattern in every single image. The results showed that students receive more general kind of formation, given that verbal and visual valorations were better on this kind of image, and also, that there were less difference between factors involved in the searching patterns to analyze. Once we have analized the variables, we conclude that students have on sports aspects, a general formation.


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