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Álvaro de Pedro Múñez
Universidad de Vigo
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016), Original papers, pages 36-57
Submitted: Jan 7, 2016 Accepted: Mar 25, 2016 Published: Dec 22, 2015
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The aim of this research is to prove the benefits which we really can get with a mesocycle of plyometric exercise with diluted stimulus because of the characteristics of team sports, in which we need to improve a lot of different physical, technical, tactical and psychological requirements and playing every weekend. By this way we try to establish a balance between the improvements and benefits that  plyometrics report as well as its disadvantages. Two different groups of athletes were studied, both of them were men. The first group were basketball players who belong to the LEB-Adecco Plata (N=13) and the second one was a junior football team that plays in Liga Gallega (N=14). Both groups made several sessions with plyometric exercise, these sessions varied between 20 and 35´, without including the warm up. The interventions consisted on 5 sessions  plus the Test and Re-Test in the case of the football team, and 10 sessions plus the Test and Re-Test in the case of the basketball team. During the research it is explained how the progression is in each group pointed out the differences between them, as well as the improvements achieved in each group and the possible explanations of these differences. The goal is not to compare the results in an absolute way, because we have  two different interventions, but rather, analyse how useful is this method applied to increase the specific performance factors. The Test made consisted on the performance of 4 jumps in the case of basketball (SJ modified, CMJ, ABK and DJ) and 3 in the case of football (CMJ, ABK and DJ), every jump was done in a jump platform. 


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