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Luis Lois Carro
Universidad de Vigo
Tamara Rial Rebullido
International Hypopressive & Physical Therapy Institute
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2016), Original papers, pages 77-92
Submitted: Jan 7, 2016 Accepted: Mar 26, 2016 Published: Dec 24, 2015
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The increase of overweight and obesity in children is a current problem of public health. The implementation of educational strategies on healthy life habits at an early age is a suitable way of prevention and change. The aim of this study was to describe the food habits and student´s sport activity in a primary school in Pontevedra to obtain preliminary educative information for future interventions. On a sample of 75 students of 4º grade of Primary Education school Sagrado Corazón (Pontevedra, Spain) was provided an ad hoc questionnaire of 20 questions about their food and physical activity behaviour. In addition, Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated. The results distinguished that 32% does not perform mid-morning breakfast and 10.6% of the students have overweight. The level of physical activity is higher in boys than girls. According to the results we can notice that educational promotional strategies are needed to increase the levels of physical activity and nutrition Knowledge for primary education.


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