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Rubén Moreno-Arrebola
Universidad de Granada
Andrés Bernardo Fernández-Revelles
Universidad de Granada
Marta Linares-Manrique
Universidad de Granada
Tamara Espejo-Garcés
Universidad de Granada
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018), Reviews, pages 162-183
Submitted: May 24, 2017 Accepted: Dec 4, 2017 Published: Jan 1, 2018
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This paper makes a systematic review of the literature, about articles on physical activity habits of college students from different countries. Specifically, with this work we answer questions such as: Is it a novelty subject? is this topic worth of interest? What instruments are used most frequently to measure physical activity habits? What countries have studied this issue? Are the results and conclusions of the investigations studied? What factors are studied transversally along with the habits of physical activity in this population? Are there differences between the sexes? A systematic review procedure through the Web of Science (WOS) has been followed, extracting studies based on certain selection criteria. After applying the selection criteria, a total of 10 investigations results the subject to an in-depth review. It is an innovative topic, that shows an upward trend in recent years. The most used instrument in the reviewed studies has been the IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire). Speaking about the habits of physical activity within university students, they seem to be weak and must be enhanced. Finally, regarding to sex, the majority of researches has shown significant differences between men and women, with men being more attached to physical activity than their women counterparts.


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