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Daniel Sanz Martín
Estudiante de Doctorado en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Rubén Vinuesa Matesanz
Profesor del CRA Río Ribota (Aniñón, Zaragoza)
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018), Original papers, pages 59-76
Submitted: May 28, 2017 Accepted: Oct 15, 2017 Published: Jan 1, 2018
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There is a social concern for the low levels of physical activity of the population, especially of the children. Moreover, violent behaviours of aggression-victimization in schools are common, and there are defining personal traits depending on the role played. Therefore, a study was designed with two purposes: 1) identifying whether there are differences between the physical activity level, the perceptions of being considered strong, coward, aggressor, victim and to start fights, depending on the gender and grade of the student; 2) knowing the type of relationship between the levels of physical activity practice of Primary Education students and the perceptions of their classmates about being considered strong, coward, aggressor, victim and to start fights. The study design was ex post-facto of descriptive and correlational type, of epidemiological character. A total of 94 children aged 8-12 years (M = 9.73, DS = 1.24) from two rural centres in Zaragoza participed in the study. The instruments administered were PAQ-C (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children) and Test de Evaluación de la Agresividad entre Escolares (BULL-S). The results showed that the boys obtain higher levels of physical activity, in being considered strong, coward, aggressor and start fights, compared to girls, being significant except to be considered a coward. Depending on the grade of the students, all the variables decrease from 3rd to 6st of Primary Education. In addition, it exits positive and significant correlation between the physical activity level and being considered strong and that start the fights.    


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