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Jessica Lorena Ibarra-Mora
INEFC, Universidad de Barcelona.
Carles Ventura Vall-Llovera
Institut Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya, centro de Barcelona
Claudio Hernández-Mosqueira
Universidad de Los Lagos Puerto Montt
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019), Original papers, pages 70-84
Submitted: Jun 19, 2018 Accepted: Nov 13, 2018 Published: Jan 1, 2019
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A healthy lifestyle has benefits at all levels and is a protective agent against chronic diseases. This research aims to analyze the healthy lifestyle habits of physical activity, feeding, sleep and consumption of tobacco and alcohol, in Chilean teenage students. This cross-sectional and descriptive study had a random of sample of 2116 teenage students in Chile (830 men of 15,94-years-old ±1,20 y 1286 woman of 16,09-year-old ±1,29). The short IPAQ and a sociodemographic questionnaire were applied in 19 centers in 5 regions of the country. A descriptive analysis was developed using contingency tables with Chi - square test. The results show that 20,8% of the sample has a high level of physical activity, and 19,5% low, significant differences were observed in relation to gender (χ²= 109.260 p-0,000), being higher in men. The students spend an average of 7 hours/day of sedentary time in a day, and only 13,5% reaches school either walking or by bicycle. 18,7% said they smoked, being significantly related to women with low level of physical activity (χ² = 9,343 p-0.009). 43,5% of the sample sleep less of 8 hours and the 26,4% consume alcohol. 41% do not have breakfast and analyzing the relationship between breakfast and level of physical activity per gender, we can observe significant differences in men (χ²= 13,684 p-0,001), where the breakfast habits can be associated with a higher level of physical activity. In conclusion, the characteristics show an inadequate life style for the age of the studied population.  


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