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Chera Ferrario Bianca
Valahia University of Targoviste
Galan Doru
Valahia University of Targoviste
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019), Original papers, pages 287-304
Submitted: Mar 21, 2019 Accepted: Apr 26, 2019 Published: Apr 26, 2019
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Engaging in high-performance competitions (World Combat Games, World Championships, European and/or Balkan Championships) has made it necessary for the martial technique to have the benefit of knowledge from other sports disciplines as well, particularly gymnastics, acrobatic and artistic gymnastics, in order to give greater weight to competition artistic programmes which, throughout the world, reach degrees of complexity that had not been encountered until a few years ago.
The research objectives from our study aims to are to elaborate a concise and efficient material on the factors that have led to the achievement of the performance presented in the preamble of the paper.
We believe that the judicious combination of Ju-jitsu technical elements and artistic and rhythmic gymnastics elements may decisively contribute to achieving exceptional performances and consolidating motor skills and competences. We shall thus venture to say that the differences between the two groups rise from the implementation of superior Ju-jitsu techniques and acrobatic and artistic gymnastics elements.The training period, the development and completion of the experimental programme, have allowed us to confirm the elaborated hypothesis and achieve remarkable performances. Finally, we are convinced that our study will be useful to the vast majority of martial arts specialists who approach the Duo Show system and not only, thus leading to the increase of sports performance and diversification of training methods.


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