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Rómulo Jacobo González-García
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2019), Original papers, pages 213-231
Submitted: Apr 3, 2019 Accepted: Apr 26, 2019 Published: Apr 23, 2019
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The responsibility of the students and their participation in the learning process is of vital importance in participative methodological proposals, where the student participates in self-reflection in the proposed tasks, moving away from the reproduction given by the teacher, thus giving him or her own responsibility in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, it is important to know the opinion of the students with the aim of improving the quality of the subject, as well as the increased interest in participating in the subject by the students. For this study, a previously validated scale has been used that measures the perceived responsibility of the student with respect to evaluation in physical education. According to the sample, the assessment perceived by students in the assessment process is insufficient. Depending on the socio-demographic characteristics analysed, there are statistically significant differences in terms of sex, grades obtained and liking for physical education. In terms of assessment, students should be aware of the basis on which grading judgements are made. In order to promote a better arrangement between evaluation expectations and perceptions of the evaluable elements of students, the education system should provide further clarification in relation to subject evaluations. The perceptions of the students must be taken into account in order to exercise a better application of the competences on evaluation in the teaching-learning process.


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