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David Lima Rodríguez
University of Vigo
Emerson Ramírez Farto
University of Vigo
Vol. 5 No. 3 (2019), Original papers, pages 392-407
Submitted: Oct 15, 2018 Accepted: Jul 30, 2019 Published: Jul 30, 2019
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Archery has always been a minority sport, therefore is a little investigated sport. The aim was to determinate the importance of brachial biceps of the draw arm, lateral portion of the brachial triceps  of the drow arm, anterior abdominal and  lumbar portion of erector spinae during the technic action of archery in the divisions of longbow and instictive bow. Brachial biceps of the draw arm, lateral portion of the brachial triceps of the drow arm, anterior abdominal and lumbar portion of erector spinae of six archers were analised by surface electromyography. The results of the study reflects a similar pattern of maxim activation is appreciated as on the absolute activation in four of the six archers with higher level of experience and performance and better adaptability to the personal training bow. Both the archers with different pattern of maxim and absolute activation, have similar patterns between them. Being the results of the study non suitables to the generalization, a higher implication of lateral portion of the brachial triceps of the drow arm is more necessary than the brachial biceps of the draw arm. In spite of the fact that it is not possible to compare the implication of the anterior abdominal with the activation of the lumbar portion of erector spinae, the maxim and absolute implication of the erector spinae may have influence in a inestable body posture during the archery technic. More investigation is needed to go deeper in these contents.


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