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Jose Armando Vidarte-Claros
Universidad Autonoma de Manizales
Carlos Alberto Gutierrez
Arles Javier Ortega Parra
Sergio Caicedo
Jose Hernán Parra Sánchez
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020), Original papers, pages 204-227
Submitted: Sep 18, 2019 Accepted: Apr 7, 2020 Published: Apr 7, 2020
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 Artistic gymnastics is a sport that largely involves executive functions. The objective was to determine the effect of a training program (Mentality) on cognitive variables (reaction times, decision making and the volume of attention) in athletes belonging to the Colombian selection of male artistic gymnastics. It is a case series study with pre and post intervention evaluation, the mentality program was applied at the training site of the athletes and in the sports psychology laboratory of the City of Cúcuta Colombia. 8 gymnasts the average age was 21.6 years ± 1.06 years. The attention volume, decision-making and speed react tests were applied. It was found as results that when comparing the psychological variables there was improvement in the results of the post versus the pre, it is highlighted that these differences are statistically significant for all variables. It is concluded as an important adaptation or automation in their attention process, which led them to improve the selection of the stimuli relevant to the practice of their sport and inhibit that information that does not represent relevance for the practice of the same; As a result, it increased the ability of athletes to make quick and accurate decisions at the time of competition.


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