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Mario Mirabel Alviz
Benito León del Barco
Santiago Mendo Lázaro
Damián Iglesias Gallego
Extremadura University
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020), Original papers, pages 308-326
Submitted: Dec 16, 2019 Accepted: Apr 17, 2020 Published: Apr 17, 2020
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The purpose of this research was to analyze the predictive role of emotional intelligence and the importance given to the realization of physical activity, on the physical self-concept in children. A total of 838 subjects aged between 9 and 12 years participated in the study. The instruments AF-5 (Self-Concept), EQ-i:YV “Emotional Intelligence for children and teenagers”, and an item specifically designed for the study, which assesses the importance which schoolchildren give to physical activity, were used. The discriminant analysis carried out found that the state of mind and the importance of physical activity significantly predicted the physical self-concept. It is suggested the contribution of educational and social contexts in the development of emotional intelligence, as well as the promotion of physical activity, by the relevance in the process of construction of physical self-concept.


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