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Alberto Soto
Oleguer Camerino
Marta Castañer
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020), Didactic experiences, pages 390-406
Submitted: Mar 30, 2020 Accepted: Apr 17, 2020 Published: Apr 17, 2020
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Digital resources and the incorporation of information and communication technologies (ICT) facilitate the autonomous learning of students in the classroom and increase their motivation causing an improvement in learning. Physical education teaching professionals are not excluded from the incorporation of ICTs in their professional practice to favour the cooperative learning of students and co-evaluation, encouraging the development of their motor skills. The objective of this work is to propose the introduction of films made by students and their subsequent analysis through a technological resource and free tool, the LINCE PLUS software. The teacher proposes in groups the execution of a skill and the coevaluation of their peers with the video recording, through mobile phones or tablets, and their subsequent observation and analysis with the tool, improving the process of autonomous and cooperative learning about their own motor executions. Through this immersive experience there is an increase in the motivation of the students and the generation of a new scenario where the students get a direct feedback on their execution, favouring the learning process by discovery and the coevaluation action in a motivating process for teaching-learning.


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