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Linda Maria Balinha Saraiva
Escola Superior de Educação- instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
Susana Pontes
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo. Higher School of Education
Fernando Santos
Porto Polytechnic Institute, Higher School of Education
César Sá
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Higher School of Education
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021), Original papers, pages 91-110
Submitted: Feb 15, 2020 Accepted: Dec 14, 2020 Published: Jan 1, 2021
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School recess is an educational space that should be considered by teachers of early childhood education with special attention. Based on this premise, this study intends to present a educational intervention carried out in a preschool recess of Viana do Castelo, Portugal, and to analyze the impact of changes made in the recess on playful, motor and social behavior of 18 children aged 3 to 6 years (Mage = 4.2 ± 0.6). To assess impact, a focal observation was conducted to compare the children's behaviour before and after the intervention. Data collection was complemented by an analysis of the children's drawings before and after the intervention, and a brief interview on satisfaction with the games introduced in the playground. Based on our analysis and the interpretation of results, we can conclude that the educational intervention carried out in a preschool recess promoted the children’s active and social behaviour. The tricycles circuit was the most exploited playful activity by most boys, while girls have preferred pretend games and fixed equipment. This difference between genders was evident in the playful preferences pointed out by children, and in their graphic records. The children’s drawings revealed that their spatial, functional and aesthetic perception of the recess space changed after the intervention. In summary, the intervention promoted the pretend play, social play, and physical activity play of the children.


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