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Víctor Osiris Rodríguez Cervantes
Julio Gómez Figueroa
Veracruzana University
Luis Quintana Rivera
Veracruzana University
Santiago Castineyra Mendoza
Veracruzana University
José Molina Arriola
Veracruzana University
Julio Lozano Flores
Veracruzana University
Ángel Rivera Girón
Veracruzana University
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021), Original papers, pages 285-299
Submitted: Oct 26, 2020 Accepted: Apr 21, 2021 Published: May 1, 2021
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The new reality in the world, caused by the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, has led the daily activities that we knew to a virtual adaptation, physical activity and physical exercise have been mainly one of them throughout the world and in our social contexts. The aim of this study is to carry out an analysis of the virtual strategies that were carried out to carry out exercise, sports, actions, activity and physical education at home, undertaken by some municipalities of Veracruz State, as well as sports institutes of the State of Colima and Nuevo León. The data collected was made through the Facebook® social network, counting the number of actions or strategies undertaken, expressions, shared and reproductions in the case of video graphics material. Among the results found, the main actions include physical exercise with music, as well as guidelines on physical exercise with materials and objects from your home (indoors). The conclusion is clear of the effort of the municipal and state authorities to keep society physically active and impact the health of the body with the benefit of physical activity and sport.


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