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Leticia Mollinedo-Gómez
Universidad Europea del Atlántico.
Florent Osmani
a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:34:"Universidad Europea del Atlántico";}
Carlos Lago-Fuentes
Universidad Europea del Atlántico.
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023), Original papers, pages 545-562
Submitted: Apr 25, 2023 Accepted: Aug 7, 2023 Published: Sep 1, 2023
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The present study uses a cross-sectional design of independent and related samples whose objectives were: to detect asymmetries in football players through a battery of tests, to analyse the asymmetries of the dominant and non-dominant side, and to compare the correlation between both sexes. A total of 25 football players from Real Racing Club de Santander belonging to the alevín category, 13 female players and 12 male players were evaluated in different neuromuscular tests to detect lower limb asymmetries: Single Hop Test (SHT), Triple Hop Test (THT), Unilateral Countermovement Jumping (SLCMJ), and Change of Direction Test (505 COD). In order to identify the neuromuscular asymmetry index (ASI) between the lower limbs, the dominant leg (PD) was compared to the non-dominant leg (PND) using the following formula: ASI = ((PD-PND)/PD)x100. Significant differences (p<0.05) were found in the findings when comparing the neuromuscular asymmetries between both sexes in the different tests. In contrast, there is no difference between dominant and non-dominant leg. In addition, it was observed that 36% of the sample of players had an ASI >10%, which is considered to be a factor of increased likelihood of lower limb injury. The highest asymmetry was detected at 20% in the SLCMJ test, which may be the most suitable jump test for identifying asymmetries. In conclusion, this study has shown that significant differences were found in lower limb asymmetries according to sex, but not between the dominant and non-dominant leg.


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