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Jesús Mellado-Berenguer
University of Valencia
Víctor Manuel Valle-Muñoz
Eduardo Rico-Gaspar
Consejería de Educación, Formación Profesional y Empleo de la Región de Murcia
Rafa Aguilera-Mata
Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Vol. 9 No. 3 (2023), Original papers, pages 563-585
Submitted: Jun 19, 2023 Accepted: Aug 12, 2023 Published: Sep 1, 2023
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Competitive examinations in primary Physical Education in Spain have been little studied in the scientific literature, although every teacher in state schools has to do them. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between teachers' experience, the number of times they have taken competitive examinations, the type of preparation, candidates’ habits, and study methods in relation to the qualifications obtained in competitive examinations in Physical Education in 2022. The 166 participating candidates completed a questionnaire and four of them were interviewed. Descriptive statistics and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were calculated to measure the reliability of the answers given by the sample in the questionnaire, bivariate correlations were obtained for all the dimensions in relation to the mark obtained, and linear regression analysis was carried out. The results showed statistically significant relationships between the final qualification of the competitive examinations and most of the variables of the study method and between the mark and the study habits. 18% of the variance of the final mark was explained by the predictors of the practice of the didactic unit, the literature of the syllabus and the elaboration of the didactic unit. In addition, 4% of the variance in the final mark was explained by the variable study habits. These results allow us to conclude that the factors influencing qualification are related to the method of study and not to experience or the number of times the candidate has taken the competitive examination.


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