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Yulmis Rodríguez-Guerrero
University of Castilla La Mancha
Pedro Gil-Madrona
University of Castilla La Mancha
Luz Marina Méndez-Hinojosa
Autónoma University of Nuevo León
Paz Belén Fernández-Valero
University of Bernardo O'Higgins
Adrián Eduardo Vásquez-Cruz
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon
Carlos Montoya-Férnandez
University of Castilla La Mancha
Patricia Teea Gligan
University of Castilla La Mancha
Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024), Original papers, pages 1-13
Submitted: Jul 23, 2023 Accepted: Oct 16, 2023 Published: Jan 1, 2024
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The mode of birth –normal labor versus caesarean– could affect development and future health. Understanding these possible links could inform future interventions. The aim is to describe and correlate child developmental dimensions of gross and fine motor skills and language, as a function of segmentation by the birth type of normal and caesarean labor. The sample included 300 preschoolers aged 4 to 5 years in the municipality of Soledad, Colombia. The instrument used was the TEPSI. To determine the correlation between type of birth and domains, Pearson's bivariate correlation test with p £ 0.01 was performed using SPPS V25.0 software. This study found that caesarean has significant positive correlations between coordination and language (r = .401; p = .000); coordination and motor (r = .577; p = .000); and between language and motor (r = .484; p = .000). Natural birth segmentation has a significant positive correlation between language and motor skills (r = .410; p = .000). The study supports the importance of knowing the mode of labor and its link with psychomotor development, owing to evidence from previous research that warns about the existence of negative effects on preschoolers born by cesarean section.


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