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Jorge Rojo-Ramos
University of Extremadura
Laura Espinosa-Mogollón
University of Extremadura
Carmen Galán-Arroyo
University of Extremadura
Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024), Original papers, pages 487-501
Submitted: Apr 26, 2024 Accepted: Jul 19, 2024 Published: Sep 1, 2024
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Physical-social anxiety (PSA) is an increasingly common disorder in adolescence that is detrimental to mental health. In turn, Physical Education (PE) can play an important role in reducing PSA by providing students with an environment where they can participate in physical activity, improve their physical self-esteem, develop social skills and optimize their well-being. The objective was to find out if there is a relationship between the importance that people assign to PE and their level of PSA in PE students in Spain. To do this, Spanish PE students between 12-14 years old were surveyed using the PSA Scale (SPAS-7) and the unifactorial scale for the assessment of the importance of PE. The results showed that the correlation between both variables is inverse and significant (p<0.01), being more evident in girls than in boys. The physical-social anxiety of Spanish adolescents decreases as the importance attributed to PE increases, especially in girls. It would be important to raise awareness among the population about the importance of physical activity over physical activity in adolescence to contribute to improving mental health.


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