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Luisa Fernanda Corredor-Serrano
National School of Sport University Institution
Santiago Adolfo Arboleda-Franco
University of Valle
Ana Maria Manrique-Lenis
National School of Sport University Institution
Shamyr Aly Forero
National School of Sport University Institution
Diego Camilo García-Chaves
National School of Sport University Institution
Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024), Original papers, pages 586-602
Submitted: Jun 28, 2024 Accepted: Aug 2, 2024 Published: Sep 1, 2024
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Introduction: The evaluation of different morphological characteristics in time-and-mark sports such as triathlon has been continuously related to specific physical performance; however, the behavior of these variables in the amateur population is not clear. Objective: Characterize body composition and specific performance in amateur middle-distance triathletes. Methods: 72 triathletes of both sexes were evaluated: men, age: 36.8±7.3 years, weight: 72.0±9.5 kg, height: 172.1±6.7 cm and women, age: 34.8±6.2 years, weight: 59.2±7.6 kg, height: 159.6±5.0 cm. Body composition was assessed through the anthropometric method and specific performance through three tests related to the specific segments of the triathlon, using the functional power test (FTP) in cycling, the 400m test in swimming and the 3km test in athletics Results: Results: In the fractionation by 5 components, it was found for men: percentage of skin 4.97±0.40%, fat 21.64±3.18%, muscle 51.11±3.82%, bone 11.16 ±1.69%, residual 11.13±1.83%, and for women, skin 5.66±0.44%, fat 28.31±4.57%, muscle 45.33±4.13% , bone 10.74±0.64%, residual 9.96±0.94%. Regarding the specific performance for the relative power in cycling 2.94±0.55 w/kg, the total time in swimming 7.50±1.33 min and in running total time 12.51±1.53 min. Conclusions: The morphological characteristics of amateur triathletes are far from those of elite triathletes at an international level, with high percentages of fat mass and low percentages of muscle mass, therefore, the specific performance of triathlon is affected by the characteristics of body composition in said population.


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