Effects of physical education based on the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model. Analysis in Mexican adolescents
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Disruptive behaviors during adolescence are becoming increasingly common, and Physical Education class can serve as a tool to counteract them by promoting satisfying experiences and motivation for students. By applying the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSR) in Physical Education class, improvements in antisocial behaviors among adolescents have been achieved. The aim was to evaluate the effect of applying the TPSR in Physical Education classes on personal responsibility, social responsibility, basic psychological needs, satisfaction, and boredom among Mexican secondary school adolescents. A 22-week quasi-experimental study was conducted with secondary school students (n = 80, experimental group; n = 78, control group), with an average age of 13.15 ± 0.94; with pre-post evaluation. 50.6% were male. The Personal and Social Responsibility Questionnaire, the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale, and the Physical Education Class Satisfaction Scale were administered. Inferential analyses were conducted using Mann-Whitney U tests and Wilcoxon tests. At the end of the intervention, personal responsibility was higher in the experimental group compared to the control group (p < .01). The experimental group improved social responsibility and competence but decreased autonomy and satisfaction of basic psychological needs. Boredom also increased at the end of the intervention (p < .05). Physical Education class, when applying TPSR principles, can increase social responsibility and competence in secondary school adolescents
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