Temporal analysis of the final of the 7-a-side football tournament for players with cerebral palsy in Chile
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The aim of the study was to model the competition of Football 7-a-side with Cerebral Palsy (CPF), in terms of its time structure, by analyzing the matches of the final phase of the National CPF League, organized by the Chilean Paralympic Committee. Four matches were analyzed, considering the variables of: total playing time, total time of the first half, total time of the second half, total time of the ball in play, total time of the ball out of play, density of the game and ball possession. The data were transcribed into an Excel spreadsheet for subsequent statistical analysis in GraphPad Prism 8.0. The results indicate that the total playing time averaged 2758±650.6 (s), being higher in the second half (3731.35 s). The average time of ball in play and out of play was 1412±297.7(s) and 1260±400.2 (s) respectively. As for the density of play, it averaged a total of 1.134±0.15 (s). Referring to ball possession time per team, it was higher during the second half of the games with 371.9±90.11 (s). In conclusion, the total playing time was greater in the second halves of the games. The density of play decreased as the phases of the tournament progressed, associating time on the ball out of play with actions such as fouls and corner kicks.
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