Gender Self-Concept and Its Relationship with Physical Fitness in University Students
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This study explores the relationship between gender role self-concept and physical fitness among 362 collegiate students from a state university in the Philippines. The participants were selected through random sampling, and the Traditional Femininity-Masculinity scale was used to measure gender role self-concept. Various fitness tests, including the one-minute push-up, wall sit, plank, sit and reach, and three-minute step test, were employed to assess muscular endurance, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory fitness. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire was used to measure physical activity levels. Data were analyzed using linear regression, with gender role self-concept as the independent variable and muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance, and physical activity levels as dependent variables. The results indicated that masculine gender role self-concept significantly predicted muscular endurance and physical activity levels in both males and females. Specifically, in females, core muscular endurance and physical activity levels were associated with masculine gender role self-concept, while in males, these traits predicted upper limb endurance and physical activity levels. The study highlights the importance of promoting physical fitness beyond traditional gender norms, advocating for a focus on individual inclinations and motivations within an inclusive environment. It also suggests that future research should incorporate qualitative methods to provide a deeper understanding of gender roles in physical fitness, ensuring that fitness strategies are both inclusive and equitable.
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