Modest clients?

The commissioning of religious architecture in Zamora during the second half of the 20th century




sacred architecture, 20th century, commissioners, periphery, zamora


We usually associate the best examples of religious architecture of the 20th century with the most powerful ecclesiastical or civil subsidiary institutions, or those associated with great creators, cities or institutions. However, certain instances of a more modest order also managed to promote truly extraordinary temples. To a large extent, these were due to the initiative of smaller commissioners, who went unnoticed in the general panorama or did not achieve high levels of impact. Their diversity and the discreet circumstances surrounding them partly explain a richness that remains partially unknown. This article will reflect on the minor patrons —and even on this assessment— based on the case of Zamora, a peripheral, modest and humble Spanish diocese and province, proposing to address in a paradigmatic and exportable way to other ecclesiastical realities their diversity according to their orders of belonging, as well as their repercussions and achievements.


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Author Biography

Rafael Ángel García-Lozano, Catholic University of Avila

Rafael Ángel García-Lozano (Zamora, 1979) holds a PhD in Art History with extraordinary prize (UVa), Extraordinary Prize in the Degree of Salamanca (USal), Degree in Theology with Extraordinary Prize (UPSa), Degree in Ecclesiastical Studies (UPSa) and Teacher (USal). He has been a lecturer at the Pontifical University of Salamanca and currently at the Catholic University of Avila. He is a member of the recognised research group Territorio, Historia y Patrimonio Cultural Digital (UCAv), a member of the Observatorio de Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea and a full member of the Red Internacional de Investigación en Arquitectura y Arte Sacros. His line of research focuses in an interdisciplinary way on contemporary civil and religious architecture, history, historical-artistic heritage and pastoral theology. His latest books include: La obra conjunta de la Universidad Laboral de Zamora (UPSa, 2019), Arquitectura y arte de las órdenes religiosas en Zamora (IEZFO, 2020), El espacio sagrado y sus expresiones artísticas (UVa, 2022) and Arquitectura de la luz (Semuret 2023).


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How to Cite

García-Lozano, R. Ángel. (2024). Modest clients? : The commissioning of religious architecture in Zamora during the second half of the 20th century. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 11, 86–101.