The Catholic Accent

The Sacred Conciliar Space and the German and Protestant Influence


  • Rafael Ángel García-Lozano Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca



sacerd space, religious architecture, german architecture, protestant architecture


The article begins by raising the question of Protestant influence in contemporary Catholic religious architecture, addressed in some territorial areas, such as Spanish, even in an academic way, and in publications that have been related to the design of churches at that time, and for study and research on this topic. From this point of departure, the influences received by contemporary religious architecture from the Protestant perspective are analyzed, both from the theological point of view and from the merely architectural and constructive, as well as the role played by other relevant Central European influences. Finally the article develops the accent contributed by the Catholic confession to the contemporary religious architecture from the influences of both the Liturgical Movement and later by the Second Vatican Council, emphasizing the dialogue of these ones with the proposals also shared by the Reformation.


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How to Cite

García-Lozano, R. Ángel. (2017). The Catholic Accent: The Sacred Conciliar Space and the German and Protestant Influence. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 5, 308–315.