Pax, Bonum et Tropicum

The Resurrection in Las Lomas, a case of the commissions of the Franciscans of Aránzazu in Puerto Rico (1968-78)


  • Héctor Balvanera Alfaro University of A Coruña



sacred architecture, Puerto Rico, franciscans of Arantzazu, participative project management, contextual design


The parish of La Resurrección in Las Lomas, East of San Juan, is a foundation (1968) of the Franciscans (OFM) of the Province of Cantabria, educated in Arantzazu. The commission of the project required consensus and participatory management, along with the attention of a working-class parishioner, migrant of rural origin, economically disadvantaged, socially isolated and alienated to the urban context: impersonal, in a warm, humid and barely vegetated climate. The architectural, bioclimatic and landscape design was due to Isis A. Longo and Manolo Fernández, a Cuban couple who, like the friars, arrived in the country exiled by the Castro regime. Later, works by the Franciscans Egaña and Iriondo were integrated. The paper take as its main source the interviews conducted by the author with fray Mariano Errasti, one of the commissioning friars, in 2018. The management of the religious in the project was analyzed, identifying possible contributions for future cases.


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How to Cite

Balvanera Alfaro , H. . (2023). Pax, Bonum et Tropicum: The Resurrection in Las Lomas, a case of the commissions of the Franciscans of Aránzazu in Puerto Rico (1968-78). Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 10, 94–109.