Between author’s dreams and client’s wishes

Competition projects of Christian Orthodox temples in Belgrade from idea to realization




sacred architecture, architectural competition, client, Serbian Orthodox Church, Belgrade


Contemporary praxis of church construction in the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) and the client-architect relationship are conditioned by Church tradition and regulations. The main question is what constitutes the essence of tradition and what are the mechanisms of its transmission and change, as well as who are the interpreters —the client and/or the architect. This paper focuses on a couple of rare examples of Orthodox Christian temples built in Serbia based on the awarded competition designs. It analyses the transformations of awarded designs until realization. In the analysed cases, the voice of the client —who is usually personified by the diocesan bishop, in accordance with the internal structure and the Constitution of the SOC— is articulated in a specific and less direct way, through the competition program and the votes of the jury members.


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Author Biography

Božidar Mani´c , Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia

Božidar Mani´c finished graduate and postgraduate studies and obtained doctorate at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. He lives in Belgrade, Serbia and works as Senior Research Fellow and Assistant Director at the Institute of architecture and urban & spatial planning of Serbia (IAUS). He is a licensed architect and licensed urban planner in Serbia. He leads and participates in the research projects which are realized in IAUS, and publishes papers in national and international journals, monographs and conferences. He is also active as an architect and urban planner.


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How to Cite

Mani´c , B., Nikovi´c, A., & Josimovi´c, B. (2024). Between author’s dreams and client’s wishes: Competition projects of Christian Orthodox temples in Belgrade from idea to realization. Actas De Arquitectura Religiosa Contemporánea, 11, 128–138.