Exploring citizen participation in fiscal control: insights from Manizales, Colombia
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The objective of this study is to identify the fundamental determinants of citizen participation within the framework of the "Let's Take Control" initiative, implemented by the General Comptroller's Office of Manizales Municipality during 2020-2021, with a specific focus on fostering public participation in Fiscal Control. Utilizing a two-stage mixed-method methodology, the research encompasses surveys administered to citizen observers, municipal officials, and the general population, followed by a descriptive exploratory analysis. Subsequent to data collection, a series of statistical analyses is conducted, including chi-square and ANOVA tests, along with Ordinary Least Squares Linear Regression. Additionally, a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) is estimated. The findings unequivocally demonstrate a positive impact on citizen participation facilitated by the "Let's Take Control" strategy. Furthermore, positive correlations emerge between participation frequency and variables such as invitations to participation exercises, age groups of participants, and their socio-economic strata within events organized by the General Comptroller's Office of Manizales Municipality-Colombia.
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