No. 02 (2013)
Batallas y Quinquagenas, by Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo, is one of the most important device´s corpus in Spanish language of the moment. All the devices of this work are authentic, that is, they were used by kings and knights to flaunt politic, loving or religious ideals between the XVth and XVIth centuries. The topics of the devices are as varied as their owners. Nevertheless, the topics associated with medicine, zoology or botany knowledge, which are based in classical sources, are especially interesting. Undoubtedly, the devices supported on the curative or prejudicial qualities of very different elements, like garlic or emeralds, make an original and creative mosaic which reflects the way of thinking and feeling of these knights.
In the Portugal of the end of the 15th century and the entire ensuing hundred years, corresponding to the Portuguese Renaissance, the influence of the works, besides other Spanish writers, that of the poet Jorge Manrique, was very deep, especially, but not only, of the famous Stanzas to the death on his father, as this article seeks to highlight. Such trend was enhanced by the great prestige of the Spanish culture, the phenomenon of bilingualism that characterized the court and intellectual circles of that country thanks to the frequent and tight family relations between the two reigning houses, as well as, eventually, the ephemeral union of the two crowns. It pervaded every literary manifestation and was clearly felt in the production of the greatest Portuguese poets and playwrits. Nevertheless, Manrique’s trace vanishes almost completely from the Portuguese letters following the recovery of the independence, which gave way to a long political and cultural divorce between the two Iberian nations.
This paper provides a bibliographical study on eighteen texts of “relaciones de comedia” preserved in the University Library of Cagliari (Sardinia) and produced by Hermosilla Printing office at Seville between 1685-1738. It includes a bibliographical repertory of thouse broadsheets or “pliegos sueltos” at the begnining of the 18th century and the edition of two unknown pieces.
This article aims to introduce the Spanish reader to the current debates in the English speaking community of Digital Humanities. Rather than trying to define the discipline in absolute terms the approach is broadly diachronic though some principles as interdisciplinarity and modeling, values as openness and practices as data mining and collaboracion are emphasized.
Schopenhauer traductor de Gracián. Diálogo y Formación gathers a study on the dialogue stablished between Schopenhauer and Baltasar Gracián through the German philosopher’s translations. The Jesuit is a modern author and his value and European diffusion are, in large part, due to Schopenhauer’s work, who recognised in Gracián a universal writer and who observed moral aspects applicable to every individual.
Review on the book: Leonardo de Argensola, Bartolomé, Relación del torneo de a caballo con que la imperial Zaragoza solemnizó la venida de la serenísima reina de Hungría y Bohemia... año 1630, Sandra M.ª Peñasco González (ed.), A Coruña, Ediciones del SIELAE, 2012, 167 pp., ISBN 978-84-615-0446-6.
Review on the book: Jesús G. Maestro, Calipso eclipsada. El teatro de Cervantes más allá del Siglo de Oro, Madrid, Editorial Verbum, 2013, 316 págs, ISBN 978-84-7962-899-4.
Review of a book that poses an approach to Quevedo's discourse from his conservative ideological positions, focusing on attitudes toward money and socio-economic changes in his society.