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  • María Alonso Alonso
María Alonso Alonso
Vol. 23 (2022), Articles, pages 5-18
Published: Dec 27, 2022
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This article analyses Jacobo Priegue’s The Outcast Child, a novel written in English by a first-generation Galician migrant author in the United Kingdom. This is a unique case of exophonic writing that should be considered within Galician Studies and in which the transterritorialisation of the characters add interest to a text produced in a foreign language by a member of the new Galician diaspora. Despite it being a crime fiction with some psychological characteristics, the text exemplifies the interesting existing dichotomy between the host country and the home country of both the protagonist and the author when dealing with latent traumas. The Outcast Child, although it is a unique case, will be utilised to point out some thoughts on exophony, canon and the way in which the new Galician diaspora is contributing to Galician Studies with texts written in a foreign language.


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