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Kylyan M. Bisquert i Pérez
Santiago de Compostela University
Adolfo Agundez-Rodriguez
Universidadde Sherbrooke
Pablo Angel Meira Cartea
Santiago de Compostela University
Vol. 28 No. 1-2 (2021), Bank of best practices, pages 73-90
Submitted: Dec 21, 2022 Published: Dec 21, 2022
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In the current scenario of eco-social crisis, globalized industrial agri-food system plays a decisive role, both because of the impacts generated and because of its vulnerability to their consequences. For this reason, the diet is revealed as an educational-environmental element of particular relevance, because it has a significant potential for reducing the ecological footprint and because it is a key element for the transition to sustainable agri-food systems. In this sense, in the province of A Coruña as a territorial framework, through a multiple case study we verify the existence of local initiatives pioneering in the provision of alternative spaces and channels of responsible food consumption. These are contexts of community innovation that provide good socio-educational practices for the promotion of eco-citizenship and the construction of the culture of sustainability around the food issue. As research results, we describe some of the main characteristics of the analyzed initiatives, as well as presenting an approach to the concreteness of their socio-educational dimension. Based on them, as final considerations, we provide some general guidelines to outline a proposal for education of food consumption from the interface between the aforementioned approaches to eco-citizenship and the culture of sustainability.


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