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Irache Eufemia Aristegui Fradua
Universidad de Deusto
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2013), Monograph. Socio-occupational integration, pages 43-53
Submitted: Jul 20, 2015 Published: Dec 29, 2013
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The current economic climate is accelerating the change the employment landscape that younger people are facing in Europe, Spain and the Basque Country.
And not just because their occupancy rate drops significantly from five years ago, but because they are also changing the working conditions, type of jobs, sectors where there may be job skills required by firms... etc. The position of fixed and stable job has changed and we need to face from all areas starting from primary education to higher education, but also through joint action by the institutions and enterprises. In this changing context it is difficult to predict the future of the labour market, however, will try to outline the professions and sectors where we understand that may be the sources of employment for the coming years. Our hypothesis is that face in the future will be new emerging sectors and professions in turn coexist with traditional productive sectors of each country.


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