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Guadalupe Gómez Abeledo
Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres Esmeraldas
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017), Articles, pages 31-44
Submitted: Sep 17, 2017 Accepted: Dec 19, 2017 Published: Dec 20, 2017
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The behavioral transformation of each human being before another with more power is reflected asymmetrically in the "deal". The process by which we end up dominating or dominated is what we are dealing with in this study, because there are as many ways to exercise power as to deal with and so many of resisting it, combating it, assimilating it, obeying it ... as cracks or not having the cadence of your speech and practice. We will analyze a reality of asymmetric power that occurs in Galicia (Spain). Ethnography has facilitated, through direct contact with people for two years, a knowledge that directed interviews and participant observation clarify. If, as we propose, the problems of group discrimination seek a social order that benefits one group over another, this is not possible without the ideological support that deserves privileges to one of the groups. In order to investigate the ethnography we have been the most appropriate methodology, since its objective is to analyze the beliefs and values that guide the behavior of the people as social beings. We have called "coexisting diglossia" to the reality seen and that we define to serve as a plot drill. Diglossia is explained from linguistics and refers to when two languages coexist in the same territory but only one of them holds political and social power. When we speak of coexisting diglossia we do it of the successive practices of dominion and resistance / assimilation over a time. The result of coexistence within an asymmetric power, in coexistent diglossia, is an identity profile empowered or self-deprecated that defines the humans of the territory. The consequences are observable after a careful analysis, but the process that has conquered them is of great interest because it may shed light on how to reverse a process of maltreatment: interculturality as utopia. We understand utopia as a step forward in the relationship, in the treatment, go beyond the symmetrical relationship, enjoy it and build new interwoven spaces.


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