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  • Ricardo Manuel Santos Labrador
Ricardo Manuel Santos Labrador
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2015), Reviews, pages 330-344
Submitted: Dec 18, 2015 Published: Sep 1, 2015
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This essay provides with the data obtained via the bibliometric analysis of the works on the usage of the accelerometer as a physical activity gauge, both at national and international level, ranging from 2010 to 2014. The main purpose is to know which the scientific output has been, concerning the usage of the accelerometer such an instrument of physical activity’s quantification. The data have been extracted from the Scopus Data Base, and the number of articles on this topic raises to 2207. The keywords used in the search were: accelerometer and physical activity. The scientific output, magazines, authors, institutions, countries, and regions, have been escrutinized by years, identifying the most productive ones. The national and international outcomes reveal the most significant features to be the following: the widespread employment of the accelerometer in different scientific areas, and the growing recognition of some authors, magazines, countries and organisations as a benchmark in the field. Furthermore, it's important to stress the differences between scientific outcome at national and international level, where it's noticeable a steady growth lacking locally.


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